Empower multiple teams within your organization to serve traders and investors better across multiple platforms & assets
Effortlessly add recommendations with custom fields and fast search. Set precise targets using last prices, complemented by detailed PDF reports
Efficiently share recommendations across multiple systems and channels, including personalized marketing campaigns, using powerful APIs for seamless integration.
Streamline real-time tracking and monitoring of research calls with live P&L updates, market metrics, and automated closure based on target, stop-loss, and validity criteria.
Supports instruments across all markets & exchanges
Create & rebalance motif baskets for diversifications
Launch & adjust strategies with multiple legs
Provide advisory across all types - equity, debt and more
For research teams with institutional customers
Add support for assets like bonds, NCD, IPOs and more
Powerful dashboard to view market insights and manage recommendations in just a few clicks. Analyse historical & live research performance.
Create marketing automations based on events from analyst recommendations. Segment and personalize user notifications across all channels
Empower RMs and dealers to provide custom guidance to customers basis their holding. Also get a unified data of customer’s participation
Theme-able, customisable, responsive web app that delivers a great user experience out of the box
Easy to integrate APIs & web-sockets to add any functionality natively to your own frontend
Monitors corporate events such as splits, bonus, dividends & others
Calculates the adjustment factor & applies it to all price-levels at the right date & time
Ensures correct price levels when creating recommendations
Create recommendations for single instruments basket of equity or derivative strategy
All systems, platforms and stakeholders have real time/ upto date informations
Prevents duplicate or accidental advisory of the same instrument
Supports all instruments on NSE, BSE, MCX, NCDEX
Schedule weekly/monthly portfolio reports
Precise controls to create user segments for various types of advisory & events like creation, modification
Create & preview personalised templates across all channels like whatsapp, telegram, push, email & more
Track & optimise campaigns by using real-engagement metrics data across clicks, impressions, orders
* in last 3 months
Tune publisher as per your business & compliance needs
Easily access critical logs and other compliance data in real-time
Track the number of trades & brokerage generated
Track participation of customers in your advisory
Monitor accuracy, gains and other advance insights about your research
View conversion of your digital campaigns – clicks, impressions, orders